Saturday, August 4, 2007

Getting So Close

I do a daily reading of Rapture Ready at, as it is a pre-tribulation bulletin board. There I find a lot of news concerning what is going on in Israel and around the world that I don't find elsewhere. But this morning I was reading posts that concerned me. People have stopped talking about the rapture, the endtimes or coming of Christ for His millienial reign for fear of "Christian bashing".

I also go to Christian Chat/room 34 on Yahoo every evening to fellowship with other believers and even non-believers who (a)bash me or (b)show interest in Christianity and ask some thoughtful questions. It gets quite "lively" but I can't even imagine not talking to them anyway.

As a Christian, I've been bashed but far more than than, I have been blessed in ways unimaginable even when I'd not even asked the Lord for a thing! He knows what we "have need thereof" and He is our provider. So, I intend to go forth speaking of all things Christian in spite of whatever bashing may occur. Ridicule, derision and out and out hatred are to be expected towards those who call upon the Name of the Lord to be saved. Jesus said "If they hate you, they have hated Me first"(paraphrased).

We are getting so much closer to the return of Jesus Christ that this should come as no surprise to anyone. In fact, the expectation that it will get worse is more to the point. Secular people try to dissuade us with "logic" and even other Christians are being deceived by the "new gospels" that are presented in the church to the "tickling of ears". But, we must never let down our guard against the enemy of our souls, no matter the price we have to pay. Jesus laid down His life for us what is some ridicule in the face of that?

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